To celebrate and support extraordinary academic achievement and outstanding competitive football performance of Collier County High School seniors who were nominated by their coaches for special performance-based recognition.
- By inspiring young people to excellence: holding up the greatest players and coaches in the history of the game as role models and enshrining them and their achievements in the College Football Hall of Fame.
- By exciting young people, and those who influence them, about the game: in particular, managing the College Football Hall of Fame in such a way as to dramatize the history, exhilaration and value of the game to an ever broadening audience of fans and potential fans.
- By developing, managing and promoting model football programs, which further strengthen the educational and character building qualities of the game.
- By honoring, publicizing and providing financial support to high school and college football players who represent our ideal of the scholar-athlete.
- By continuing a grassroots movement, through local chapters, while involving football fans, coaches, educators, the media and former players in the implementation of the programs, which will fulfill our mission for America.
- By recognizeing the top scholar-athletes, nominated by their school coaches, at the annual National Football Foundation Collier County Chapter Awards Dinner. Nomination is based upon Academic Performance (40%), Athletic Skills (40%) and Citizenship Values (20%).